Monday, August 18, 2008


halloween costumes already picked out...hopefully i'll be back to wear one as long as it has the added muscles


Louis Winthorpe III said...

Yeah, the added muscles are always a plus. Fighting off the flab keeps getting tougher... Ain't none of us getting younger!

"Are you staring at my gut?! You're staring at my gut! Well I'm working on it! It just takes longer, cause I'm Middle Aged Man."

-- Ed Miles, aka "Middle Aged Man"

Louis Winthorpe III said...

You forgot to put "Carter and Jack" (aka Merle and Earl) posts in your vote. I think the Merle & Earl posts, along with Beer reviews are definitely your most consistent topics. Almost forgot: Angry rants. Some folks like those posts the most...

Louis Winthorpe III said...

You haven't posted the Phoenix Quotient for any of your recent beer reviews...

Strap said...

most of my recent "beers" have PQs too low to count...especially green apple bud na