Monday, July 23, 2007


Developed a new technique for getting Carter to listen to me. I now threaten him with the Supernanny. He's never seen the Supernanny, but the legend we've created is that she lives in England, flies on a broom and can descend on the house almost immediately when she senses something going wrong. I knock on the wall, and Carter immediately snaps to attention, thinking the Supernanny is at the door. At that point, he's extremely nice to Jack, while he tells the Supernanny to go back to England. The Supernanny has replaced other bogeyman, to include the "muffin man" and invisible alligators that will bite your feet if you jump out of bed. The muffin man and alligators have since lost their magical powers...Carter has befriended them. Hopefully Supernanny will last a little longer. She's been a very powerful weapon over the past few days.


Louis Winthorpe III said...

Won't last long...

I think we should wager on how long it lasts.

Oh wait, Mike Goldwater is too good for your blog.

Louis Winthorpe III said...

But I guess, that is your job as the "tough love" dad. To create new bogeyman as the need arises...

Louis Winthorpe III said...

Are you talking about a wager, Randolph?!

Strap said...

it's starting to lose its luster, i'll need to revive it shortly...the only hope is finding someone with a British accent willing to be 'on call' as Supernanny.

Strap said...

yes, Goldwater's social life is way too active. he'd never comment on this blog.

Louis Winthorpe III said...

All you need to do is find a woman with a British accent... That shouldn't be hard...