Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Banana Harvest

We harvested our first bunch of bananas. I cut down the bananas and removed the tree, while Carter poured a bucked of dirt over Jack's head. The next step is to ripen these things...best I can tell from my online searches is that I need a room full of ethylene with a controlled temperature of around 68F. Most of the banana info online is for the standard Cavendish variety. I can't find much on the apple banana.


Louis Winthorpe III said...

Okay, Strap. I'm totally out of my element. This is the sort of thing you have to tell JI, as he has a response to everything...

Strap said...

is he a banana rancher?

Louis Winthorpe III said...

I'm sure he could talk to it if he wasn't...

Strap said...

he is the resident expert.