Sunday, January 27, 2008

It always ends in tears...

They really didn't want to leave the beach.


Anonymous said...

Oh God, do tell us that you staged that scene! If not, I think I've just been cured of ever wanting to have kids.

Strap said...

nope...good thing we only live 5 minutes from the nearest beach.

Louis Winthorpe III said...

D'oh! The joys of parenthood! Those are some strong words, Keith!

According to the studies I've seen, people who have children are happy at roughly the same percentage as those who don't have children. Of course, that could be self-selection to some degree. People who don't want children are going to enjoy that extra free time for leisure and vacation; those who do want children might feel empty without their kids. At any rate, EVERY friend of mine in their 50s say the same thing to me: raising kids often drove them insane until their kids were five, at which point it started to become enjoyable.

sonya said...

5? they're enjoyable after 5? have you ever met a 13-15 year old that you liked? and it wasn't even until I was 16 that I really started to explore and develop my "inner bitch". I like them when they can be strapped into a carseat and dragged around by one arm.
it's the big ones that scare me.
you work in the ER, Keith...didn't THAT cure you of ever wanting kids?

Louis Winthorpe III said...

True, Sonya. But when they are a teenager, you don't have to watch them 24-7 or worry about them sticking a fork into an electric socket. It's those sorts of things that drove that comment from those folks.

Anonymous said...

There are probably many stages in a child's development that could cure you of ever wanting to have kids, but then there are probably equally the number of things that make you glad you had them.

Yeah, you can't watch the teenagers 24-7, but I know plenty of parents who go insane wishing they could watch them 24-7 -- sometimes NOT being able to see what they're doing is worse then seeing what they're doing.

Have you ever stopped exploring the 'inner bitch' there Sonya?

sonya said...

I'm always in a continual state of bitch-refinement.
although I have graduated from "inner bitch" to "outer bitch". I don't expect to reach the higher dimensions overnight--

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, learning how to externalize the inner bitch! Now that really is quite an advancement!