Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Mock Chicken

Had something today called "mock chicken". Best I can tell it's a chicken substitute made from tofu. It tasted a little like chicken, but was very dry. It also left a bad aftertaste. Even worse, I've felt sick all day...can you get "mock salmonella" from "mock chicken"?

I must not have a firm grasp on veganism. I thought the basis of this philosophy is a love for animals and a desire to not harm them. If I love animals and detest the idea of eating animals or products derived from animals, then why am I creating substitutes for them, such as tofurkey, mock chicken, and vegannaise? It seems this is taunting the animals by eating their likeness. If you truly loved the animals, just eat the bland tofu, or vegetable tofu...don't create a substitute for meat. If you like meat, eat meat. Eating mock chicken is like drinking non-alcoholic beer...where's the joy in that?


Louis Winthorpe III said...

I'm sure if you asked 10 vegans you would get 10 answers on why they are vegans. I can understand why someone might want to be a vegetarian. I have no idea why anyone would be a vegan. No dairy products of any kind?! What kind of life is that?!

I always liked fake bacon bits in my salad, so I'd be a hypocrite by your standards...

Louis Winthorpe III said...

As always, the wikipedia entry is useful:

Strap said...

i can get behind vegetarianism, 'cause they still allow milk, eggs and honey.

i could be a vegetarian if pork didn't exist.

Louis Winthorpe III said...

Bacon and eggs are the only meats I ever really crave. I guess some don't consider eggs meat. So it's just bacon for me that would prevent me from being a vegetarian...

Strap said...

eggs are only prohibited by vegans.

Anonymous said...

why were you eating mock chicken? did you ORDER it?